Reduction of a Potato Cyst Nematode by Organic Soil Amendments at Different Initial Nematode Density

M Renčo, P Kováčik, J J Atungwu


The addition of organic material into the soil can be an effective alternative tool to environmentally unsafe application of high doses of chemical nematicides for the control of plant parasitic nematodes. Population development and multiplication of potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis was evaluated under potato grown in sandy soil at inoculum density 2.0; 4.0 and 8.0 eggs and J2/g of soil in the glasshouse pots experiment using different organic amendments. Soil in pots was treated with neem (Azadirachta indica) based granular compost; vermicompost of medicinal plant wastes and vermicompost of cattle manure. Data on the number of new cysts developed, number of eggs and juveniles/g of soil and reproduction ratio “r” of G. rostochiensis relative to untreated control were taken. Amendments to soil with these materials significantly reduced development of cysts of parasite. The suppressive effect was significantly higher at the highest than at the lowest compost rate for all tested materials regardless of the inoculum density. However, suppressive effect of the three composts tested differed significantly. The best reduction of G. rostochiensis multiplication was observed in pots that received the neem granular compost; having double or treble higher total amount of nitrogen compared to vermicomposts, high NH4+ content and the narrowest C/N ratio, without regards to different inoculum density. However incorporation of both vermicomposts to the soil also significantly suppressed multiplication and population development of parasite in comparison to untreated control but was less effective than neem granular compost. These amendments are thus promising for the control of plant parasitic nematodes in sustainable agricultural systems.


Globodera rostochiensis; final population density; initial population density; neem; vermicompost


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